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What's Going on at CLC?
Weekly Events
There are numerous events that occur every week at CLC. For more information on the events below, contact the church office or Pastor Patti.
Chair Yoga
Sewing Group
Youth & Adult Choir Practice
Prayer Group
Bible Study
Come together in the Worship Hall every Monday and Wednesday at 9:00 AM to participate in video-led chair yoga.
Come together in the Sewing Room every Wednesday at 8:30 AM to participate in various sewing projects.
Youth in 7th - 12th grade and adults of any age are invited to meet in the choir room for singing, fellowship, and fun every Wednesday at 6:00 PM.
Our Prayer Group meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM and is open to anyone. We are currently working on a new format and part of the time is spent praying for the needs of those who have reached out to us and blessings which we have been granted. You do not need to attend each week, but can join us when you're able and reach out to us for prayers.
Our Bible Study group meets on Thursdays from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM. We are currently studying 1 Timothy. Even if you can't make it each week, bring your Bible and join us for great discussions on how the Bible works in our lives.
Monthly Events
There are numerous events that occur every month at CLC. For more information on the events below, contact the church office or Pastor Patti.
Free Bagged Lunch Handout
QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) Training
Every second Saturday of the month, we begin assembling bagged lunches at 7:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Around 8:00 AM we stand outside of the church (on Main Street) to distribute the lunches as people pull up. This event is free and open to anyone!
This training is held every 3rd Thursday of the month by Matt Dorgan, the founder of Building Bridges for Brianna. There are limited seats and the cost is $5.00 per person which covers the cost of the supplies. Click on the picture below to register.
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